Tuesday, April 11, 2023

60 Years Old & Don't Care What They Think

 Do things start annoying you as you get older or is it just that you don't give a damn what everyone thinks and are going to tell 'em what you think anyway? 

I think one of the biggest (and best!) changes that came with age was the ability to not care.  

I work in an Animal Rescue. When we have to medicate a dog we need a weight to make sure it gets the proper dosage. Usually the smallest person in the group is chosen to do help out. Getting the weight on a dog that doesn't fit on our smaller scale is done by one person getting on the scale, we get her weight, then she picks up the dog and gets back on the scale. Do some math and we got the weight. Easy. 

Hard part? If that skinny mini isn't there to jump on the scale today, who will step up?  😁 Yeah, I don't care. I jump on the scale. I don't care if you know my weight. Really, I spent years keeping it a secret and now? eh. I don't care. In the grand scheme of things, do you really think people care that much? 

And if they do want to focus on that number, well, that's on them. I'm going to go eat some ice cream. 

Not caring what people think is a free state of mind. You can be you and those who love you will still love you. (They probably knew all about you anyway) 

There's a poem that I think fits this time in life.

  When I'm an old Woman I shall Wear Purple.  

Check it out and wear that red hat that doesn't match & don't care so much about other people' brainwaves.


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