Monday, December 27, 2021

New Year's Resolutions at age 64?

 In our sixties we pretty much have seen it all. Done most of it and decided not to do other things. 

Example? I never wanted to jump from a plane. Never wanted to go scuba diving or skiing.  (Note on scuba diving: I was mentally scarred by the movie Jaws as a teenager. I've never looked at the beach the same since.)

Things I'd still like to do?  Hmmm... nothing is coming to me on this but gonna give it some time to percolate. 

Places I'd like to see? Paris & Ireland.  I'm 100% Irish so I'd like to see the country of my people.  Paris? I've just always been drawn to that city and I don't know why. 

So, how about some resolutions for the new year? 

1. Publish another book

2. Make our business successful. (Covid has all but crushed it, but we love it so we fight onward. - Please, if you know a small business, especially the entertainment biz support them, send your friends in, book a party. They need you even if they look okay. Trust me, every small business has been hurt by covid.) 

3. Adopt out these 3 pups who I'm fostering. Especially Carl who is special needs and extremely playful. (Carl's story is here.)  The other two are a pair of bonded Chihuahuas. They need a home together. 

4. Get organized both in time & space. By time I mean scheduling which days/hours I do what. By space I mean clean up my desks (I have 3) files & other paperwork and make things easier to manage. 

5. Find a passive income. I think everyone needs something else. If you go to Pinterest and search passive income you can come up with a bunch of ideas. I need to take the time to research them all and find something for a side job. 

Any other ideas? What are your New Years Resolutions? 

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Social Security Applied! Now what?

 I applied for Social Security about a week ago.  Bit the bullet and filled out that application. Some of the questions I did find confusing and wanted to make sure what I put down was the truth so there were no hold ups.  

They do have little info buttons near each question that let you read a little more so you can give a good answer. That helps. 

You can also check your status by logging back in.  

I just did that and it says it's in like step two for checking my application. It also said it could take 2 to 4 weeks for processing. 

It's only been a week but when someone/thing tells me there's a way to check, I mean, how could I resist logging back in?  

All in all the process was pretty easy, but when you're ready to apply find a quiet space and take your time filling out the application.  

Are you ready to collect?  How did you make that decision? 

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Staying Safe & Positive with Another Virus Scare

 Here we go again!

Is it not hard enough being in our 60's without life threatening viruses? Including business threatening viruses. 

Yes, no matter how you view it, this virus has killed more businesses than at any other time in history. (except maybe the great depression) At lease now our government is working to help people. If only everyone would get on board. 

Our business is suffering. We have to have people signing up and coming in or forget it, we're done. 

We're doing the 6 ft thing still which cuts down on the amount of people we can serve and beyond that there are too many who are just afraid to get into a place where people congregate. I've done more wash for aprons and towels then I'd ever want to think about. We bleach everything every night. 

If you walk past someone who reeks of disinfectant, it might be me :) 

So, if this business is suffering I can get a job! Where? At 64? Just look at my resume and you can probably guess my age. I have tons of office experience so the work is no problem but getting someone to trust that? 

We really are fighting for our business. It's a labor of love and I will definitely cry if we go under. I think the only way to beat the virus is through vaccination. I think the only way to protect those who cannot take the vaccination is to get ourselves vaccinated. With mixed messages coming from those in government I fear most good people are really just at a loss of which way is the best way. 

For now we're wearing masks, been vaxxed and boosted, and do our best to keep things clean. 

Stay safe out there.  There is a light at the end of this Covid tunnel and I believe we are almost there. 

What came after the pandemic of 1918?  The ROARING TWENTIES!  Soon it our country will come ROARING back and all will get back to a better normal. 


Sunday, December 19, 2021

The Social Security Pathway

 Making the decision to turn on your social security is a big thing.  It's all about crunching numbers and figuring out where you are now and what you'll need in the future. 

The future? How can I know what to expect 5 or 10 or 20 years from now? Do I look like a psychic? 

So, if my full retirement age is 65 + 6 months I get a certain amount. You can go to the Social Security website and enter your info and they'll let you know what you could get now and that higher amount you could get if you wait.  

One of the issues I kind of struggle with is that yes, you'll get more money later each month if you wait.  If you take it now your check is less but the total amount will be a bigger total amount? 

I've been trying to crunch the numbers and I'm not really a math wiz. 

If your starting number now is like 1000 a month. Age 64.

Waiting until age 65 and your number is 1200 a month. 

12 months of $1000 = $12,000? 

So at what point when collecting the full amount of $1200 how many months would it take to make up the $12,000? 

Since the difference is $200. Would it be 60 months? Is that 5 years to break even? 

I guess it comes down to if that $200 will really be a deal breaker in the future? Now we come back to - are we psychic?  Where will we be in 5 years? In one year? 

Have you made this decision? Which way did you decide to go?