Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Are New Years Resolutions a Good Idea?

 Let's face it if we were going to resolve to do something to improve our life why is January the best time? 

It's after the holidays when, truthfully, I just want to relax and veg for a while. The last few months have been a stressful time. Wouldn't it be better to just let January pass by and rest and think about all that other stuff maybe in February? 

Oh, I've tried. Every January for over ... well at least 45 ish years.. I've thought what should my resolution be this year? Usually it came back to losing weight. Yet, whatever it was seemed to kind of be in the negative column. How come our resolutions aren't in the positive column? 

So here's some positive New Year's Resolutions (I'll pick mine in February :) 

1. Draw more pictures. It doesn't matter if you're a professional or never picked up a pencil to doodle - just draw more pictures. Art is therapy and we could all use a little of that right now. 

2. Play some music. Did you take lessons as a kid? Or ever wanted to? Do it. Pick up a guitar from a thrift shop or see what other instruments they have there and give it a go. 

3. Perfect one cooking skill. Ever want to bake from scratch? Make a tart or roll some sushi. 

4. Take a painting class. They're all over the place now days. Google paint and sip and see what you can find. Then go paint it. You might surprise yourself. 

5. Plan a trip to some place you've never been. Okay, you might have to wait a few months till travel is safe again, but go explore some place. Do the planning now so you can be ready later. 

6. Make something for someone with your own hands. Sew or knit or ...back to #1, draw something and gift a gift for no reason. 

7. Read one book classic book a month. Any library can tell you what the classics are; Tom Sawyer, To Kill a Nightingale, Anne of Green Gables. The list is long so there are plenty to choose from. 

8 Make one day a week your Pamper me day. Give yourself a pedicure, soak in a tub full of bubbles, or cuddle up with your significant other and watch a movie. 

9. Have a night out with the girls or guys once a month. Plan it and make it more than beer and pretzels. Make it a special event with something interesting. 

10. Volunteer. Find your favorite charity and volunteer. Animal shelter, Red Cross, Homeless Shelter, Meals on Wheels. There's always something, someone, somewhere who needs help. Find some time and do something. 

So do that New Year's resolution now or later but make it something that will help your soul grow and blossom. 2021 is here so let's make it beautiful. 

Got a great idea for a resolution? Post it below & share the wisdom! 

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Good Times for the Introvert

 Can a person be a closet introvert? 

I think so. Although when in front of people I can walk the walk & sing the song, but I'm more comfortable in small groups of people I know well. Alone time is a precious thing. When I leave the crowd I'm exhausted. Drained. And really in need of that alone time. It recharges and relaxes. 

Now with everyone locked down or afraid to go out, there's so much downtime that... it's okay.  I've adapted like I think most people have. The first lockdown had me staring out the windows but looking back, I wish I had used it to clean out closets, write a new book, or done something more constructive. Why did I waste all those days of downtime?

I think there's a little bit of introvert in all of us, but not a lot of extrovert in some of us. Being an extrovert means you love people, crowds, attention. I admire those people with that zest for the spotlight. Do I ever want that? No. It's not in my DNA. 

So yes, I think an introvert can adjust easily to this crazy world we find ourselves in but they have to look to the opportunity and not to the negativity. Instead of thinking "Why can't I" the questions should be "How can I use this time?" 

It's a bit like what I'd imagine retirement would be like. You suddenly have all the time to do anything but spend days bored and restless. 

Planning this time is what we all need now. Stuck in the house? What would we do if we only had more time.  And please, don't think painting a picture, playing an instrument or even writing that book is not worth it. It is. Get creative, bring the spark of things you always wanted to do and do them. 

Let your Introvert flag fly!