Biggest issue? I'm a small business owner and this shut down might put me out of business permanently. Yes, I've cried. For my business that I love, for the customers who were regulars and I consider friends and for the uncertainty of our future. Like many other small business people, we have almost everything invested in our business.
So after the tears I said to myself, "You're an entrepenure, damn it, Act like it!"
We're using these last few days before we're sure to get locked down selling take home kits. We have so much bleach and hand sanitizer on our hands they have a permanent odor. Is bleach the new perfume of the 20's? Could be.
So, I have plans for the lockdown.
- Clean out those closets I've been meaning to get to
- Plant a garden
- Write another book
- Write more blogs
- Walk the dog
- Spend time with the husband (ok, that's not really a choice)
- Movie marathon time
- Paint a room
- Rearrange the furniture (maybe more than once)
- Brainstorm how to save my business
If you're locked down, how are you spending your time? Any creative ideas?

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