We'd like to move to Florida so we listed our home. It's a nice home and to open my heart to you: I'm in love with it. I raised my kids here, went through the majority of my life here, and worked on it and in it. My husband practically rebuilt most of it to our own design. It's very personally ours. It will break my heart to leave, but both my kids moved to Florida and I know I will not be happy until I'm near them again.
I've often said I wish I could take this house with me and I wonder if that energy is preventing us from moving forward.

I need to release my house to the next family. Let it go so I can move on to the next part of my life. It's been said you can't move forward if you're holding on to the past. The past was beautiful and has so many happy memories, but it's time to make new memories. Time to let this beautiful home find a new family to raise. It's a good home for kids, a nice neighborhood, good schools.
Dear New Family,
This is a home of love and laughter. You can grow and be happy here. It will be a beautiful life.
Welcome home,
the other family

I release this home to the universe. I release this home to the new family that will love it and take care of it.
God bless you home. I'm ready to move on to a new life and a new home. It's time.
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