Into the new year we launch a...
Thursday, December 31, 2020
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
Monday, December 28, 2020
Sunday, December 27, 2020
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Monday, December 21, 2020
Sunday, December 20, 2020
Saturday, December 19, 2020
Thursday, December 17, 2020
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Monday, December 14, 2020
Sunday, December 13, 2020
Saturday, December 12, 2020
Friday, December 11, 2020
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Journal Prompts & Peace of Mind
So when all that crap is on TV I've been rewatching Gracie and Frankie reruns. Lighthearted fun with a few snafu's thrown in to keep it interesting. Great show.
I've been thinking a lot about journaling. In New Jersey I belonged to a great woman's writing group where we'd pick a subject each week and write for 20 mins then read it back to each other. It was a great out pouring of thoughts, feelings and sometimes fears. I loved every woman in that group and miss them terribly.
I was thinking of starting a woman's writing group here but then Covid smashed that idea. Stupid Covid!
So now I'm going to do a writing prompt each day for the rest of December - after that we'll see where we are.
What is a writing prompt? It's usually a phrase or sentence that will get you thinking. It came be a simple as "Roses bloom in spring" or as complex as "What I thought my life should be by now." Then with that thought in your head & heart you just write. No judgement. It's your thoughts and no one should have a say in them.
Writing tools? Best way to do this is to get yourself a book to journal in. Being a love of words I have quite a few. These can be those pretty little book you can get in Michaels, Barnes & Nobel, or Walmart. Or just a note pad you have laying around the house. Wanna do it on your computer? Fine, doesn't matter where you write as a long as you write. I splurge on gel pens for that smooth feel.
Are you ready to join the December Writing prompts?
Feel free to post your writing in the comments below or just keep them close to your heart.
Today's prompt: The road not taken.
Write on my friends. Stop by tomorrow for a new prompt.
Monday, August 3, 2020
Scary side of Business in Covid-land
No joke, it was a struggle. Slow slow start, working to bring people in and have happy customers at our little art studio. Very slow take off, barely to cruise... and then...

So, how to keep from spiraling down into a deep funk? I concentrate on the things I can control.
We're open again but business is super slow. We are not making our rent. We applied for a grant and got it. Okay, this month we're paying rent. Worry about next month then. I often go from freaking out, to crying, to anger. When I walk the dog I talk to myself. It helps me work through the myriad of feelings coursing through me every day. Then I recite a mantra of wishes but I speak as if they're all ready here. I learned that from the Law of Attraction. It's part of my plan to retain my sanity during crazyland.
In the mean time we're trying to come up with ways our customers can get the same great experience we offer in our art studio at home. Don't want to risk going out? Let me see what I can do for you. (and make $$ to pay the bills)
It's a daily struggle. When I'm ready to splash down into a puddle of misery I stop and think, "What else is out there? What else can I do to bring $$ in?"
Luckily I know a great group of business owners who brainstorm together. Are all our ideas great? No, but some have possibilities. Success will come. I will it to happen. We all know, Success comes but it has to find you working.
I think of that fish, Dori; Keep on Swimming, Keep on Swimming....
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Managing a Business in Covid-land

Saturday, April 25, 2020
Stay at Home & Depression
Our house is smallish, but we were looking for another place. Then this virus put the brakes on everything. My business, my house hunting, my life. One thing it did start up again was that old familiar depression. It's not bad, just frustrating. Being stuck in the house feels like the place is shrinking. I imagine the walls closing in. For someone who battles depression on a long term and daily basis I could imagine this period in time could seem unbearable.
Know anyone who battles depression? It's time to check in on them.
And breathe....
We all need to just relax and breathe. Someday we'll be on the other side of this and that's where we need to focus.
The surest way to get out of a hole is to have a dream. That thing you want to do, places you want to go, and thing you've dreamed of creating. No matter how big or small your dream, there there steps you can do now to move you toward that goal.
Today I will trim the tree in the back yard that blocks the light.
Today I will paint a picture.
Today I will sew some masks.
Today I will write a newsletter for my biz.
Today I will....

And call that friend...
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Stay at Home!
My small business is suffering and we're hoping to survive. I love my studio and miss the people who came in every week. We had regulars whom we loved. We shared their birthdays, their joys, and listened to their problems. It was like an extended family.
Now I worry about them. I hope they all stay healthy and we see them on the other side of all this craziness.
With time on our hands, all the time in the world to do whatever we want ... at home. What do we do? I've watched way too much TV. Attempted to work on a new book. Done some closet reorganizing, cleaning, laundry and I'm bored.
Cabin fever is real. I find myself staring out the front window. I miss chatting with the neighbors. I wander the rooms thinking, what can I do in here?
I'm snacking way to much.

I'm thinking of writing down a schedule.
Like from 10 am to noon create art.
From noon to 1 lunch hour,
from 1 pm to 2 write,
from 2-4 household stuff...
and on and on.
So what's your Cabin Fever cures? All ideas welcome!
Monday, March 23, 2020
Quarentined in your 60's
Biggest issue? I'm a small business owner and this shut down might put me out of business permanently. Yes, I've cried. For my business that I love, for the customers who were regulars and I consider friends and for the uncertainty of our future. Like many other small business people, we have almost everything invested in our business.
So after the tears I said to myself, "You're an entrepenure, damn it, Act like it!"
We're using these last few days before we're sure to get locked down selling take home kits. We have so much bleach and hand sanitizer on our hands they have a permanent odor. Is bleach the new perfume of the 20's? Could be.
So, I have plans for the lockdown.
- Clean out those closets I've been meaning to get to
- Plant a garden
- Write another book
- Write more blogs
- Walk the dog
- Spend time with the husband (ok, that's not really a choice)
- Movie marathon time
- Paint a room
- Rearrange the furniture (maybe more than once)
- Brainstorm how to save my business

Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Hiding the Introvert
However, there's this thing in life called money that seems to be a necessity unless you want to live in a shack in the woods. But then you'd still have to eat and have medical care and buy stuff to wash with and clothes to wear so we do need that thing called money.
Which means we have to be out in the world doing stuff and taking care of those basics. Even the introvert needs to get out and take care of life. If there are people counting on you then it's pull up those big girl pants and just get it done.
Some days it's easier. Some days it's not. But it's always exhausting.
For an Introvert to be "on" all the time takes a lot of energy. When it's over and they get to go home it's all they can do to hold their head up and not just collapse. Mentally and physically spend. The well is dry. It's time to recharge.

How do you handle that introvert hiding in their safe place? How do you draw them out? Easy answer. You don't. Leave them be and let them recharge, clear their head and come back when they're ready.
Sign me,
Introvert on the inside
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
New Life, New Business, New Adventures
That's what we did at age 60.
Very. But determined. Our new business seems to be slowly moving along and dare I say - picking up a bit. We need to rethink our marketing. Which I think is something you constantly have to keep re-doing. Marketing is something that constantly changes. It's fun and exhausting.
Still I couldn't imagine being retired and sitting around doing nothing all day. I think that would make me even more crazy than the starting-a-new-business thing. I don't golf and can't imagine just hanging out all day. Maybe 60 really is the new 40? Like maybe 10 or 15 years from now I'd be more open to just retiring, but now? I'm having fun building something that is ours.

Set that goal, have some fun, and know that as long as you're moving forward you're going in the right direction.