Friday, September 29, 2023

Staying Creative in Your 60's

If you have some empty time or even if you don't creative endeavors will keep the mind healthy and can be a de-stressor. So, where are these creative activities and, more importantly, what are creative things to try?

1. Arts and Crafts! This is stuff you can do at home, with friends or take a class. Art is part of my soul so this is something I do all the time.
    Crafts --> 
It's Halloween time! Lots of spooky things we can create. The dollar stores are great places to pick up some skeleton hands or other creepy parts to remake into something else. These are things you put together with hot glue, spider webs, and plastic table clothes. The witch's head was a milk jug, painted green with details done in paint & sharpie. 

    Or get a head start on Christmas crafts. It's coming up fast. Painted wine glasses make great gifts! 

    Furniture Painting --> 
Okay, this one might be a little much 
for beginners but it's fun! Pick up an old chair from the side of the road or at a garage sale. Put a base of spray paint on it and then paint a quick pick on it. Get real creative or just paint some hearts or flowers on it.

    Painting on Canvas--> My favorite is acrylic paint on canvas. It's
easy and forgiving. You an pick up paint and brushes at Walmart or Michaels. There will definitely be more variety to pick from at Michaels but you can get almost the same thing at Walmart for less. A good way to get started without spending a lot of money. Then just put the brush to canvas and get creative. 
    Now, don't tell me you can't paint. Look up Jackson Pollock who hangs in the Metropolitan Museum. Van Gogh sold only one painting during his life. Anyone can paint. Just do it. 
       Hint; there are painting classes on YouTube, step by step instructions in books from the library, or you might find a class at your local recreation department. Art is about fun, not work. Go paint up some fun. 

Rock Painting-->
You can find rocks to paint anywhere. The ones by rivers are better, smoother but you can also buy rocks at craft stores or online. Just use acrylic paint and get creative. 

Get Sketchy--> Pick up a sketch book at your local department
store or check out those dollar store bargains. Grab a pencil or pen and just start doodling. There are online videos for this too if you want to take it farther. I keep a sketch book by my chair and doodle while watching TV. 

2. Write  
    Ever think of writing a book? Hey, I've written books & shorts. 

(check out my Amazon shorts page) It takes a lot of work, time and yes, there is a bit of a learning curve. 
    So forget about that last sentence and just start. Don't think about getting published, just get your story down on computer, paper or however you like to get creative. 
    You can write a novella, full book, or just short stories. Don't think about where it will go, just think about your story. 
    What is a story? Could be fiction. Just make something up. Let your mind wander and think; what if....this happened? 
    Not into fiction? You could write your life story. Don't think if it will be interesting or not. Write it for you, write it for your kids. I always liked hearing stories from grandma and aunts of what their lives were like before I met them. 

3. Find Classes
    You can find classes on almost everything at most recreation departments. Local colleges also offer some simple beginner classes in almost every subject. Art, writing, dance, etc. 
     Look at your local craft stores. Michaels has classes and so do some of our local shops that help local artists sell their creations. Painting wine glasses, knitting, painting, and other crafty things. Some are free for seniors, too!  

Now stay creative! 

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

60 Years Old & Don't Care What They Think

 Do things start annoying you as you get older or is it just that you don't give a damn what everyone thinks and are going to tell 'em what you think anyway? 

I think one of the biggest (and best!) changes that came with age was the ability to not care.  

I work in an Animal Rescue. When we have to medicate a dog we need a weight to make sure it gets the proper dosage. Usually the smallest person in the group is chosen to do help out. Getting the weight on a dog that doesn't fit on our smaller scale is done by one person getting on the scale, we get her weight, then she picks up the dog and gets back on the scale. Do some math and we got the weight. Easy. 

Hard part? If that skinny mini isn't there to jump on the scale today, who will step up?  😁 Yeah, I don't care. I jump on the scale. I don't care if you know my weight. Really, I spent years keeping it a secret and now? eh. I don't care. In the grand scheme of things, do you really think people care that much? 

And if they do want to focus on that number, well, that's on them. I'm going to go eat some ice cream. 

Not caring what people think is a free state of mind. You can be you and those who love you will still love you. (They probably knew all about you anyway) 

There's a poem that I think fits this time in life.

  When I'm an old Woman I shall Wear Purple.  

Check it out and wear that red hat that doesn't match & don't care so much about other people' brainwaves.


Friday, April 7, 2023

Half Way Over 60 & Wondering What's Next

 At 65 I have no idea where I'm going next. Does anyone?                        

When my mother was 65 she died. A second heart attack took her out. She languished in the hospital for almost a month before passing. Most of that time in a coma. Mom hadn't been in the best of health for years and I think the lack of medical know how and information kept her ill.

Today we have the internet and the ability to look up our symptoms and and research doctors who can help us. One reason I picked my last doctor was because had reviews that said, "she doesn't give up until she figures out what's wrong." The doctor I had before her was a waste of time. He would dish out medication without running tests and kept saying everything was stress. Simple answer that didn't help anything. 

I think if Mom had the right doctor she might have been healthier and lived a longer and more enjoyable life. 

At 65 today I can lift 50 lbs of dog food, wrestle a 60 lb shep mix into a harness and still keep going. Don't ask me how because not every day is perfect. Some days it's exhausting, other days I breeze through. 

I've been reading a lot about positive thinking and that old law of attraction stuff. Right now it's all over social media sites and there's lot's of tiktok'ers talking about it. 

So, how to make this positive? I'm repeating the following; 

"I have the body & health of my 21 year old self" 
Me at 21 - 1st degree Black Belt

I repeat this several times a day. Especially when my back tells me to slow down, my knees creak and the hip screams as I try to stand. 

"I have the body & health of my 21 year old self."

Then I have to wonder if it really is mind over matter.  There are reports that a long time ago living to over hundred was a normal thing.  Then I started to do research but didn't really find any truth to that. Check out the page Ancient Origins where they come up with other meanings for the reports of living longer. 

So back to what I want out of life at 65? That would be good health, fun times, and work that brings the satisfaction of helping others. (I choose to help dogs & cats in rescue) And I get to play with puppies. 😎 

I think positive thinking is helpful but not sure it's going to make me feel like I'm 21 again. That was a very good year. However 65 hasn't been too bad either. 

Where are you now? Does it make you happy? 

Monday, March 20, 2023

Let's Wine about it. Joint pain?

 I drink wine. 

Not often but maybe once a week or so I'd have a glass. 

Let's talk about the last two times I tried wine.  Both spaced a couple weeks apart. 

First; A popular American wine. Delicious. 

Next morning it felt like every joint hurt, wrists, knees, ankles, elbows, and I had a headache. So then I was thinking what did I do differently yesterday that makes my joints feel like they're on fire today? 

Could it have been those two glasses of wine? I considered it. After all this was alcohol and I usually didn't drink much so was wine the culprit? Could wine have that affect on joints? 

Now, at 65, I know my body is a lot different than it was at 25 but my joints were on fire!

Fast forward to this past weekend. I try wine again. But this time the wine is from Italy. Two glasses. Next day; No joint pain, no headaches. Next night I have two more glasses. (Had to finish the bottle, right?) Following day still no pain, no headache. 

A while ago someone told me they only drink wine from Italy because American wines give them hangovers. I never really gave her comments a second thought, but now I have to wonder what's in American wine? Or is there a magic something in Italian wine? 

Who knows? 

Maybe next weekend I'll pick up an bottle of Italian wine and give this experiment another test. 

Anyone else try this? What's your wine of choice? 

Thursday, November 17, 2022

NANO November and another year almost gone

 This year has been a roller coaster and it's almost over. Some of it good, some of it depressing. It's been crazy and depressing but there was joy in there somewhere. 

So what happens next? Fix the life and make 2023 better? 

At 65 and a half, this was not what I envisioned for this decade. Here we are and now its time to keep eyes forward and discover new territories. Before we go forward, let me say F*ck Covid. That was the start of the crazy depressing stuff. 

Okay, now it's time to move forward with eyes to the sky. 

So how to discover options? Evaluations. At 65 what skills do I have? 




    Painting (Art)

    Works well with Animals. 

I look at this list and think what would be something I could do with joy?

Definitely, #3 and #5

The rest go from yay to eh. 

So the most joy comes from writing stories. Novels, shorts and everything in between. I just like to spin some yarns and and go into that writing zone. 

What is the writing zone? 

It's a place most creative people know, but I think others get there too. If you have a job or activity you love, you've been there. Did you do one of your favorite things and before you realize it, the time has flown by and you feel like you're lifting your head out of a cloud? A cozy, warm and fuzzy cloud that blocks out that real world? That's your bliss, your joy. 

Do what makes you happy. 

        As one of my favorite tiktok'ers says; Find your Joy!  

I'm going to go look for mine now. 

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Is it over, yet?

 No one expected a pandemic to stretch to  years instead of a few months. Seriously? 

But here we are. 

I still see people in stores wearing masks. #Respect. These people are protecting themselves and doing what's best for them. It's what we should all do. Want to wear a mask? Do it. Don't feel weird or intimidated. Don't want one? Don't wear it. Simple. End of conversation. 

Small businesses suffered so much during these last few years. A lot have folded under the expense and pressure of Covid and all it's variants. Be kind to those small businesses who are still out there, trying so hard. 

So here we are. 

Pandemic mostly over (I think, I hope) and trying to go forward. I'm ready. What's next? Where do we go from here?  I always believed when you're stuck or feeling lost it's time to set a new goal. Look for more opportunities and set up a new dream. If we're taking anything into this new world I hope it's kindness and understanding of our fellow humans. 

So, what are your dreams for this post pandemic life? 

Monday, January 10, 2022

Are You Manifesting?

 One of the prime recommendations in all that manifesting stuff is to write it down. See it, believe it and make it happen. 

I think keeping that belief alive in your heart is one of the hardest parts of manifesting. We all have good and bad days, ups and downs and everyday worries. It's part of our nature. It's stuff we're bombarded with every time we turn on the TV. If the last two years have taught us anything it's that we just have to muddle through the mess to come out on the other side. 

"We'll figure this out."  

One of my favorite sayings and I think I must have gotten it from my mother. Her life wasn't easy but she was always positive. She believed money always came when you needed it. That things work out one way or the other. Of course she had all those Mom related worries, but she was overall a positive person. 

So I've got this "Little Book of Dreams" now to record those manifestations every morning. I'm writing it down and making it happen. 

What's your favorite manifesting tool? Do you write it down? Chant it? Pray? Or just send your wishes into the universe?  Let's share it & hopefully inspire others.