No one expected a pandemic to stretch to years instead of a few months. Seriously?
But here we are.
I still see people in stores wearing masks. #Respect. These people are protecting themselves and doing what's best for them. It's what we should all do. Want to wear a mask? Do it. Don't feel weird or intimidated. Don't want one? Don't wear it. Simple. End of conversation.
Small businesses suffered so much during these last few years. A lot have folded under the expense and pressure of Covid and all it's variants. Be kind to those small businesses who are still out there, trying so hard.
So here we are.
Pandemic mostly over (I think, I hope) and trying to go forward. I'm ready. What's next? Where do we go from here? I always believed when you're stuck or feeling lost it's time to set a new goal. Look for more opportunities and set up a new dream. If we're taking anything into this new world I hope it's kindness and understanding of our fellow humans.
So, what are your dreams for this post pandemic life?