In our sixties we pretty much have seen it all. Done most of it and decided not to do other things.
Example? I never wanted to jump from a plane. Never wanted to go scuba diving or skiing. (Note on scuba diving: I was mentally scarred by the movie Jaws as a teenager. I've never looked at the beach the same since.)
Things I'd still like to do? Hmmm... nothing is coming to me on this but gonna give it some time to percolate.
Places I'd like to see? Paris & Ireland. I'm 100% Irish so I'd like to see the country of my people. Paris? I've just always been drawn to that city and I don't know why.
So, how about some resolutions for the new year?
1. Publish another book
2. Make our business successful. (Covid has all but crushed it, but we love it so we fight onward. - Please, if you know a small business, especially the entertainment biz support them, send your friends in, book a party. They need you even if they look okay. Trust me, every small business has been hurt by covid.)
3. Adopt out these 3 pups who I'm fostering. Especially Carl who is special needs and extremely playful. (Carl's story is here.) The other two are a pair of bonded Chihuahuas. They need a home together.
4. Get organized both in time & space. By time I mean scheduling which days/hours I do what. By space I mean clean up my desks (I have 3) files & other paperwork and make things easier to manage.
5. Find a passive income. I think everyone needs something else. If you go to Pinterest and search passive income you can come up with a bunch of ideas. I need to take the time to research them all and find something for a side job.
Any other ideas? What are your New Years Resolutions?